Teen Clubs

Our "TNP Teens" Clubs (formerly Norwalk Strong) serving all 4 high schools help raise awareness to prevent substance use and promote mental health.
BMHS & CGS club meets Wednesdays 2:20-3:20 in Room 1205. For 2023, our club president is Vivian Balazs. Google classroom: 4bnhvaz
NHS & PTECH club meets Thursdays 2:20-3:20 in 103B . Our club president is Rylie Peterson. Google classroom: sweiovq

Listen to NHS/PTECH explain the Norwalk Youth Survey to their peers!
What Our Teens Are Doing to Spread Awareness in the High Schools
Johnny's Ambassadors
Starting in 2021, our Norwalk Strong teens taught curriculum from Johnny's Ambassadors (a cannabis prevention organization) to health classes. The reception has been great, and we hope to continue these efforts into next year!

Wellness Boxes
This past school year has been stressful for many high schoolers in Norwalk... That's why our "Norwalk Strong" teen clubs created wellness boxes this winter for students to use coping skills, learn how to get help, and leave encouraging messages for their peers. Be on the lookout for these boxes in your high school! In addition, TNP provided a stress management table at BMHS during the Week of Wellness in March.

Marijuana Awareness Table
In March, we raised awareness about marijuana in both high schools with our interactive activities during lunchtime. We also posted facts around NHS for National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week.

Vaping Awareness Table
In February, our Norwalk Strong teen clubs were able to educate their peers and faculty on vaping misconceptions. The clubs set up awareness tables in the cafeterias at both high schools during lunch period. They encouraged student interaction and were able to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping, connecting with 400 teens! Teen vaping became a nation-wide epidemic before COVID. It decreased during the pandemic but seems to be increasing again. We hope that activities like these spark some change.

Teen Vaping Discussion
Our Norwalk Strong clubs gave us their feedback on the ongoing teen vaping epidemic. We followed the Seven Strategies for Prevention, and our club members brainstormed possible solutions. Some of their ideas included teaching students how to quit, implementing support groups for those with substance use disorders, and increasing the consequences when students are vaping in the schools. These ideas are meant to help teens get the help they need in order to quit. All of their ideas were shared at this month's TNP Coalition Meeting!