Training Resources
TNP can directly provide a variety of FREE trainings and presentations, or arrange them through our coalition members and community partners; please see the list of mental health & substance misuse topics below. We build Norwalk data and current youth trends into our presentations. Contact us to schedule. Also check our Events page and The Hub's regional event calendar for upcoming programs.
National & Custom Training Programs
TNP involves more than 30 community organizations providing mental health and substance misuse services. We can coordinate speakers and presentations from these organizations on the topics below or provide other topics upon request
Norwalk Youth: Survey Results
Slideshow presentation of the results of our October 2022 survey of 7th through 12th graders.
Freshman Forum
An evening presentation for 9th graders and their parents to create awareness of important mental health & substance use issues, messages, and resources. Accompanied by a resource fair. Includes short student and expert presentations and showcases the crisis supports at the schools.
SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness
One-session health & wellness lesson for students, creating positive peer expectations around physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and avoidance of substances.
Marijuana Education
Our teens have been trained to present the Johnny's Ambassadors peer program in health classes. We can also present "Today's Marijuana: What Families Should Know," with updated scientifically accurate information and our local youth data.
Presentation & discussion for parents, including current Norwalk data.
MADD has short programs for adults, teens, and children: Power of Parents, Power of Youth, Power of Me, as well as survivor stories. Free handbooks for parents of HS or MS students, English and Spanish.
Mixing alcohol & opioids: If They Had Known film
30 minute documentary film about the risks of combining prescription drugs and alcohol, created and told by the friends of Clay Soper, a 19 year old who died. Followed by facilitated discussion. Provided through Positive Directions' license.
Suicide Prevention
"Question-Persuade-Refer" (QPR) is an evidence-based, 1.5 hour skills training including videos and role play that can be offered for up to 30 people, in English or Spanish. Can be scheduled for a specific group, or individuals can attend one of the free online trainings offered each month. (Evening training by Positive Directions here; daytime training by The Hub here.) We can also provide AFSP's "Talk Saves Lives" (TSL), a 45 minute awareness presentation that can be provided to large audiences. Note: QPR can be combined with opioids training in one 2-hour session.
Opioid Awareness & Naloxone Training
45 minute state-sponsored training about the opioid crisis including its connection to suicide and current trends (counterfeit pills, fentanyl). Includes how to recognize and overdose and administer Naloxone (Narcan) to save a life. Participants will receive a free Narcan kit. English or Spanish. Training can be combined with QPR suicide prevention in one 2-hour session.
Impaired Driving
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) offers a variety of short presentations for parents and youth, including Power of Parents, Power of YOU(th), and a Victim Panel.
Courageous Parenting 101
Courageous Parenting 101 is a 2-hour educational program aimed at parents featuring Ian's story, told by his mother, Ginger Katz, founder of the Courage To Speak Foundation here in Norwalk, and a presentation on how to keep kids safe from drugs.
Parent Night Out
Slideshow presentation for parents to raise awareness about the importance of talking about alcohol with youth, what to say and how. Created by SAMHSA.gov as part of the Talk. They Hear You campaign.
Personal Stories
NAMI's "In Our Own Voice" presentation features 2 trained local speakers, accompanied by videos, sharing diverse mental health stories and answering questions. The TurningPointCT.org project at Positive Directions has young adults who can share their mental health or substance misuse story. We also are building a set of short videos of local people willing to tell their story.
Hidden in Plain Sight
The HIPS training allows parents to identify signs that a teen may be using drugs, explore a teen's bedroom to see where drugs may be hiding, and learn what to do next. 1-1 1/2 hours.
LGBTQ+ Awareness
Triangle Community Center provides an LGBTQ 101 trainings and can customize LGBTQ 201 and other trainings to meet a group's needs.
Mental Health First Aid
MHFA is a national, evidence-based course that teaches how to recognize & respond to a mental health crisis. The virtual class involves 2 hours of individual online work followed by a 4 1/2-hour session online. Certification good for 3 years. Multiple modules exist, including Teens, Youth, Adult, First Responders, Spanish. During COVID not all modules may be available online. The in-person training is 6 hours.
Sensory Cafe
Interactive experience for youth where small groups cycle through different stations for different sensory experiences & are helped to process what helps them relax / cope. Provided by the young adults from the TurningPointCT project at Positive Directions.
Custom programs
Looking for something else? Please ask! We can arrange custom programs through our coalition resources, with professional and personal speakers, on topics such as anxiety, resilience, etc. Contact Margaret at mwatt@positivedirections.org
Since TNP's launch in September 2020, we have organized community trainings for the general public, parents, school nurses, school security guards, school administrators, people in recovery, hospital staff, and teens. Trainings have included:
Presentations on current youth needs, strategies and resources for parents developed by TNP coalition members including Child & Family Guidance, Kids in Crisis, Mid-Fairfield, Norwalk ACTS, Positive Directions, and Triangle Community Center - recordings are available throughout this website
Question-Persuade-Refer suicide prevention training - provided by Positive Directions
Opioid education & Narcan administration - provided by Positive Directions, Human Services Council, NCC
LGBTQ 101: Identities & Allyship - presented by Triangle Community Center
LGBTQ 201: Substance Use in the LGBTQ Community - presented by Triangle Community Center
Power of Parents workshop - presented by MADD
"If They Had Known" film + discussion about the risks of college student party culture - presented by Positive Directions
Resilience panel - provided by Silver Hill Hospital
In Our Own Voice - provided by NAMI CT
Multiple presentations on marijuana, vaping, and mental health to our coalition members