The Norwalk Partnership is having our monthly coalition meeting on Wed. May 26 from 2-3:30 on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/99213671085?pwd=SStPcUdWTi9ubWZQZm42bzl5TkI1UT09 and we hope you'll join us!
Agenda - We'll be following up on some of the info from our Community Survey (get summary below), in particular:
Norwalk's community norms around substance use, with a special focus on the perspectives of law enforcement
communication & visibility of resources
We look forward to a discussion with Lt. Orr and others from NPD! And since our community survey showed low awareness in the community of key resources, we hope you have all been sharing the resource guides we developed (SPANISH GUIDE NOW AVAILABLE!) via your email networks, website links, and social media! Find them below or on the Resources tab of our website.